Saturday, April 28, 2007

Wow, what a week. last week of classes (for me for 1 year here at TRU) and I got in touch with not 1, not 2, but 3 Comic greats! I got an email from Mr. Joe Simon who created Captain America in 1941. He sent me his price list for a drawing (let's just say, it's more than he got when he started!). I got a wonderful letter from Mr. Marc Swayze who was one of the main artists for Captain Marvel and created Mary Marvel to boot! Finally, I spend a wonderful half hour on the phone talking to Paul Norris who turned 93 this week! He is the creator of Aquaman (pictured here is a later story from the 50's). And he still collects everything about him! Imagine how cool it would be to have your own creation on a stamp some 66 years later. He tells me fans mail him and they use the Aquaman postage stamp. The new Aquaman is too violent to his liking. His favourite work was drawing Tarzan strips because he loved reading Tarzan 85 years ago and to draw them was like a childhood dream come true. Mr. Norris also saved countless lives during WW2 by participating in pamphet drops over Okinawa Japan - battle weary soldiers would surrender and they'd come to the US camps holding Mr. Norris's pamphet. Both Mr. Swayze and Mr. Norris are incredibly kind to be sending me drawings of their characters.

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